The Collective Patient Library


With the warm weather well and truly upon us summer is the perfect time to get moving in water. Not only is it a great way to cool down, your body and mind will thank you for it. Swimming, walking in water, hydrotherapy and aqua aerobics are all great ways to exercise in water.  These [...]

By |2022-02-24T03:54:27+00:00February 23rd, 2022|Articles|


The following article was written before covid-19 put us in lock down and changed our lives. It didn't seem right to publish it as we were forced to stay home while gyms and pubs where shut, visitors were not allowed in our home and every social or sporting event was cancelled. Now things are slowly [...]

By |2021-12-15T00:04:53+00:00December 15th, 2021|Articles|


Headaches are extremely common, with most of us having experienced a headache at some stage in our life. It is estimated that around 3 million Australians are currently living with migraines.  For most of us, headaches are generally harmless and easily managed with rest or over the counter pain medication. But for those suffering from [...]

By |2019-08-14T04:14:40+00:00August 12th, 2019|Articles|

Core Strength

Everyone has heard that you need to strengthen your core.  There is a reason for this - every movement we do involves the core in some way. Therefore to improve in any sport or reduce muscle pain in daily life, a better functioning core can help. Most conversations about core strength start because of the [...]

By |2018-11-22T08:29:29+00:00November 18th, 2018|Articles|

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)

Following on from my last post about stretching I wanted to give a bit more information about my personal thoughts on the subject. I love to stretch because it makes me feel good, especially after a day of being on my feet at the clinic. My preferred method of stretching is Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) [...]

By |2018-06-11T10:40:59+00:00May 18th, 2018|Articles|


Stretching is an easy, cheap and accessible treatment or management for muscle dysfunction. It is one of the most important parts of self management of any injury, and can be done almost anywhere. The act of taking a muscle through its full range of movement is definitely beneficial to the body, but only if it [...]

By |2018-05-01T03:36:09+00:00April 26th, 2018|Articles|


Who in Bendigo over the last year hasn’t had a dose of hayfever? You can’t escape the Plane trees, the blossom or a hot northerly wind pushing grasses into the air. It’s all part and parcel of living in Bendigo. Hayfever is the overreaction of the body to a stimulus. Grasses, animals and trees are [...]

By |2017-11-06T01:12:16+00:00November 3rd, 2017|Articles|

Myotherapy during Pregnancy

If you have just received the news that you are expecting, then firstly congratulations! Preparing for the arrival of a new born is such wonderful experience - I've done it a couple of times myself! However pregnancy can also be both physically and emotionally draining, and the addition of musculoskeletal pain can bring about a [...]

By |2017-08-21T21:30:20+00:00August 21st, 2017|Articles|

Acupuncture vs Dry Needling

There are a few differences between Acupuncture and Dry Needling, and it's important to know the difference so you can choose the best treatment for you. Acupuncture Acupuncture began in China more than 2000 years ago and has been a major part of their health care system ever since. It involves fine, single use needles [...]

By |2017-06-29T01:29:11+00:00June 29th, 2017|Articles|
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