Who in Bendigo over the last year hasn’t had a dose of hayfever? You can’t escape the Plane trees, the blossom or a hot northerly wind pushing grasses into the air. It’s all part and parcel of living in Bendigo.

Hayfever is the overreaction of the body to a stimulus. Grasses, animals and trees are some of the triggers of a reaction, which involves sneezing, blocked nose, nose running like a tap, itching, watery eyes and PAIN. Although hayfever is not life threatening, it can be life altering.

Antihistamine is the normal treatment. Antihistamine is a drug which will calm down the body’s reaction to a stimulus. There are many on the market to choose from, all of which have a variety of side effects including dry mouth, dizziness, confusion and moodiness. Plus, if you have other medical conditions you may not be able to use these at all.

But did you know there is a natural alternative? Acupuncture can be very useful in managing these symptoms, and over time can reduce the body’s reaction to a stimulus. By balancing the body and restoring normal function, particularly of the lungs, hayfever can be well managed not just today but for the rest of the season and often into the next.

So if the Bendigo Plane trees are making you sneeze this season, book in for some natural relief using Acupuncture at Allied Health Collective by calling (03) 5443 1080 or through our website